Environmental and social achievements
• Expansion of our biodiversity conservation area to 100 hectares.
• Protection of 100 species of birds.
• Preservation of bees.
• Reduce the use of agrochemicals through integrated pest management, which is based on constant monitoring.
• Use of low toxicity agrochemicals.
• Use of biochemical products.
• Preservation of our water sources.
• Transformation of waste into organic
material (compost).
• Labor force composed in part of women heads of household.
• Use of new technologies to mitigate emissions in coffee drying.
• Decreased use of water and energy in post-harvest processing of coffee (natural: dry processing method and sun drying).
We have established commercial alliances with other exporters to bring our Specialty Coffees to Japan, South Korea, the United States, Australia and Europe.
We export our Hass Avocado in alliance with ARBA Colombia, a DANPER company from Peru.